The Vision

Central Tacoma Gardens is a community organization based on the principles of mutual aid. We want our neighbors to benefit from growing food and increasing community connection and resilience.

Using our collective yards and gardens as outdoor learning spaces, we’re hoping to share basic skills and offer an example of low-cost, high yield home gardening practices.

Growing food is easy! It’s also a lot of work. By organizing we can share wisdom, tools, land, and labor- making it more accessible for everyone. This is not a business, we are not selling anything. This is a space for learning, growing, and supporting community.

Who We Are

We’re just getting started! Ultimately, the goal is to create a neighborhood affinity group based on sustainable gardening practices that is driven by its own goals and ideals. Please jump in and get involved however you see fit! If you have skills and want to offer a class or services, let’s get the word out!

For now, this is a passion project. Candice and Margaret are gardeners who are passionate about food justice. We enjoy growing food and lots of flowers at our home in central Tacoma.

This project is our attempt to create an in-person and digital forum for learning and organizing around food security in our local neighborhood.

 for more info- Reach out →